[Gbrooks-promo] This week-end -- performances and workshops in Berkeley, CA and Boulder CO.

George Brooks george at georgebrooks.com
Mon Sep 14 10:45:39 PDT 2015

*Friday, September 18th, 8-11pm*
*Shotgun Studios, 1201 University Ave. **8pm. *

*Performance and **Rhythm workshop*
*V. Selvaganesh - kanjira and percussion*
*George Brooks - saxophone*
*Kai Eckhardt - bass*
*Osam Ezzeldin - piano*

*Selvaganesh* *Vinayakram- *is the ground breaking South Indian
percussionist who performs with John McLaughlin and Zakir Hussain in
Remember Shakti. He is the son of Shakti founding member TH "Vikku"

We encourage all musicians, dancers and music lovers to attend.

Cost is $30.00  -- Space is limited so please book in advance.

*Tickets available http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2266797

*Saturday, September 19th - 7:30pm*
*Jaipur Literature Festival Boulder CO*

*Kala Ramnath - violin and vocal*
*V. Selvaganesh - kanjira and percussion*
*George Brooks - saxophone*
*Osam Ezzeldin - piano*

The program is offered free...donations are encouraged
Details at ...https://jaipurliteraturefestival.org/boulder/

*Sunday September 20th 4pm*

*he Ulysses Trio (celtic jazz)*

*Melanie O'Reilly -vocals, Frank Martin -piano, George Brooks -saxophone*

*Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (BFUU), *
*1924 Cedar Street (at Bonita), Berkeley CA 94709*

*$15 advance; $20 day of show at the door*
*Details & advance booking:  http://acousticmusicberkeley.com/

George Brooks
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