[Gbrooks-promo] Holiday Recovery Concert this Wednesday @ Yoshis, Oakland

George Brooks george at georgebrooks.com
Mon Jan 3 00:25:57 PST 2011

*Holiday Recovery Concert!!***

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*Barbara Higbie • Linda Tillery***

*George Brooks • Kai Eckhardt***

* ***

*If you ate too much, drank too much or didn’t party enough...***

*this show is a must to get your year off to a great start.***

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*Four bandleaders join together, bringing with them multiple Grammy
nominations and collaborations with everyone from Santana and John
McLaughlin to Pete Seeger and Bobby McFerrin. ***

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*Join us for an evening of jazz, blues and spirituals and original
music. This is a not-to-be-missed, one-night-only celebration.***

* ***

*Click here for Tickets<http://www.yoshis.com/oakland/jazzclub/artist/show/1645>

*Wednesday,January 5th  8pm***

*Yoshi's Oakland***

*510 Embarcadero West***

*Jack London Square***

*Oakland, CA 94607***

*Phone: 510.238.9200***

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